Friday, December 6, 2013


The picture above is an example of a pedigree. A pedigree is kind of like a family tree but for genetics. Pedigrees contain genetic information that can help track and predict certain traits or diseases. There are many symbols that mean certain things. For example, a square that is not filled in is the symbol for a male, and a triangle that is not filled in is the symbol for a female. You can see what the other symbols are and what they mean in the image above.

In a pedigree, one must determine the condition and mode of inheritance...

Condition: sex-linked or autosomal

Mode of inheritance: recessive or dominant

Sex-linked means that the mother is the carrier of a disease and there is a possibility that she will pass it onto her children 

Autosomal refers to any of the chromosomes other than the sex-determining chromosomes (ex: X 
and Y) other words, not sex-linked 

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