Monday, September 30, 2013


Have you ever heard of a fava bean? Well, apparently, if you eat them and have the disease of Favism, you can die! Favism is a disease where a person has G6PD enzyme deficiency. The G6PD enzyme is known for protecting your red blood cells from Malarial parasites. In some cases, for those who do not have Favism, fava beans can be beneficial to humans. Favism is most likely generated from places that widely cultivated fava beans; therefore, people who live in these certain places have a higher chance of having deathly side effects from consuming fava beans. Which is ironic since usually it is thought that exposure to something makes people immune to it. But not in the case of fava beans. This fatal disease is most common in men due to the fact that men only have one X chromosome while women have two. Women have a lower chance of the favism effecting both chromosomes and they can only be severely effected if malarial parasites attack both. And a male only has one, so if it is effected he has a huge chance of dying. I wrote a pretty cool poem about fava beans. Maybe I'll post it later.  If I do, don't judge me. 

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