Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Evidence of Evolution Quiz

Honors Biology
Evidence of Evolution Quiz

1. Explain the following in terms evidence for evolution.

       -The image is showing the evolution from a terrestrial organism to an aquatic one. 

2. Which of the following continents did marsupials begin from?

      -e. North America

3. Comparing a dragonfly, bird, bats - explain the type of evolution that these organisms show.

     -The type of evolution that these organisms show is convergent evolution. This means that they have similar functions (i.e. wings, flying).

4. Explain how the Common Descent Lab shows DNA evidence and ancestry as evidence for evolution. Include examples of Primates.

    -The Common Descent Lab shows biochemical evidence (aka DNA evidence) through the use of sequencing. We were able to determine that chimpanzees and humans are about very closely related to humans by comparing their DNA. According to the lab, gorillas are also closely related to humans.

5. Explain homology using some examples from your readings.

    -Homology is when the limbs in organisms look alike. This means the limbs are descended from a common ancestor. In "Your Inner Fish," the example of a fish evolving into a land creature is used. A fish has fins, whereas a land creature does not. The book talks about a Tiktaalik, which is an animal with fins, but different limbs (one bone-two bones-lots of blobs). The bone structure is different. This is homology.


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