Friday, May 2, 2014

Botany....Pretty Flowers!

So last class, we were given the opportunity to be one with nature.

This is the first flower I came across during my alone time with nature...

  • Pink pedals that blend into yellow as it gets closer to the center
  • specks, like splattered paint
  • thorns on stem and spiky leaves, most likely used for protection
  • somewhat soft petals, like a type of clothes material
  • smells like a tea...sweet
  • no insects spotted
  • nearly dead or dying

This is the second flower I observed...

  • small
  • closed
  • pink blended with yellow
  • fuzzy stems
  • insects fly in, suck up nectar, and some attaches to insects, spreading nectar, producing fruit
  • no smell
  • clear
  • fuzzy inside, with white specks
  • soft, rubbery
This is the third flower...

  • purple pedals (velvet?)
  • soft like silk pedals
  • greenish yellow pollen
  • looks like velvet clothing on rope
  • fuzzy outside and fuzzy stem...rough leaves
  • shiny and glimmery all around
  • not a sweet smell
  • pollen sticks to female part...sugary substance

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