Sunday, January 19, 2014


So, I finished the final draft of my paper on thyroid cancer this week, and I have to say, I'm really proud of it. I learned a lot from the research I did. For example, genetics play a really big role in both the cause and treatment of thyroid cancer. Certain genes are used to help treat the cancer, but at the same time there are some genes that, when mutated, can actually contribute to the cause of this cancer. I also learned about the other treatments doctors use on patients, such as radiation treatments and chemotherapy. 

A thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands, and it is located in the neck below the "Adam's apple." When a thyroid is cancerous, it usually grows lymph nodules. It actually looks really disgusting.

I'm sure you will never be able to think of or say the words "thyroid" and "nodes" without thinking of this image. Your welcome. 

I also researched more on that theory I talked about. You know, the one about the HPV vaccine for teens that could possibly be causing cancer. Apparently, there are many women who have taken this vaccine and have not long after been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. There are many websites dedicated to putting a stop to Gardasil. Doctors and the manufacturer himself refuse to do a carcinogenicity test on the vaccine. I feel that this theory needs to be looked into more.    

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