Monday, January 20, 2014

Your Inner Healers

The article we had to read talks about induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Apparently, scientists have claimed to have found a formula of genes from mice skin cells that creates the iPSCs, adult cells. Scientists were able to change the original identities of these cells and rejuvenate them to an embryonic state. This discovery, according to the article, could possibly hold the cure to diseases such as type 1 diabetes, alzheimers, or even Parkinson's disease. If this article is correct, then this discovery could definitely be a groundbreaking one that could help many patients diagnosed with diseases such as the ones I mentioned.    


  1. What ethical questions does this open up? Should we be doing this?

    1. Well, doing this is kind of like cloning because the cells they get would be exact genetic matches of a human being, I'm assuming. So, an ethical question that could possibly pop up is probably the most common one, "You're not God, so why are you doing this?" There would most likely also be questions about the risks and dangers that come with it.
