Thursday, October 24, 2013

"From Atoms to Traits"

  1. Mendel's experiments changed the view of heritable mutations from ephemeral and blendable to discreet entities passed from parents to offspring, present even if not always visible. His work formed the foundation of genetics. It contributes to everybody's understanding of genes, and all biological advances with genetics. If it weren't for him, genetic advancements would most likely not be possible today. 

This structure was discovered by James D. 
Watson and Francis Crick.

   3.  -Substitution of a single letter for another at a particular position in the polymer :                                        
        -Deletion of a block of letters : ACAAGATGCCATT  -  ACAGCCATT 
        -Duplication of new letters : ACAAGATGCCATTAAA -ACAAGATGCCATTAAAAAA
        -Insertion of new letters : ACAAGATGCCATT -  ACAAGATGCCATTGTC 
        -Inversion and translocation of the letters already present : ACAAGATGCCATT -   

   4. Evo Devo, short for Evolutionary Developmental Biology, is a field within evolutionar biology         
      that concentrates on studying the effects of changes in important developmental genes and the role 
      they play in evolution. 

  5. If a person migrates from an area where they don't consume lactose products beyond infancy to a       
     region where lactose is consumed through adulthood, it is likely that they will be lactose intolerant         
     because their body is not used to consuming lactose.     

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