Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Why, Pan Prior, Why?

So we were given a project where we had to research a theoretical fossil, in my case the Pan Prior, and create another theoretical fossil of the human ancestor. In other words, a transitional fossil. Fun! Most of my break was focused on this project. My partner and I split up the project, and I was given the task of planning our trip to Ethiopia to discover this magnificent fossil. It was one of the most stressful experiences of my life! I don't know how people do it! How does one sit there staring at their computer finding plane tickets, hotel prices, car rentals, etc? Maybe this was just me. I mean, our location is pretty far from EVERYTHING! It is as if no hotels exist near our location. They existed everywhere else but where we needed to go. I even asked my mother how to find a hotel because she is usually pretty good at finding hotel when we go on vacations. She couldn't do it either. It took me forever before I finally found one. Anyways, that was just me ranting. We finished, so it is now out of my life. I now live in peace. 

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