Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My beautiful (not really) poem

So, remember how I said I wrote a poem about Fava Beans? Well, here it is. Think of it as a slam poem. Maybe that will make it seem less ridiculous...

Waka Flaka Fava Bean!

Can you do me a fava?
Tell me, what is a fava bean?
Fava beans are two faced fiends!
For some humans, it can help.
But for others…WELP! DEATH!

Favism, a fatal disease.
Those who have it die with ease.
Fava beans can be so mean.
If you live where they cultivate
You’re sure to feel their hate.

You’d think from spending so much time with them
They’d be your friend.
But nay! They like to slay
Those who spend time with them all day.
Fava beans aren’t the only ones who want to kill
Like Hannibal, who likes his fill.

Because they face fava beans pain
People are resistant to malaria’s reign.
Malarial parasites want to pillage your red blood cells
But G6PD gives them hell!

Evolution doesn’t fava traits
So be careful if you put them on your plates.
Because you might find out that nature
Is one of your biggest haters.
Because of all this strife

There is advancing of human life.

I am so sorry...

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you will see this post, perhaps not. I googled, I haggled, I gaggled, and even giggled, but fava bean poetry is in short supply. Yours, by default, is the best I have read. Perhaps I will try to best you. Not by highlighting their propensity to kill their creators, but to survive, naked, where their Gods not tread - the frigid depths of the darkest cold.
